My 3 favourite eco-friendly resources
I love finding out about plastic-free initiatives and companies that are doing their bit for the planet. Here are my 3 favourite eco-friendly resources that I think you’ll enjoy too!
This search engine uses at least 80% of its profits to fund worldwide tree-planting programs. It’s easy to setup, and I love seeing how many trees I’ve helped to plant!
It can be a bit of a headache trying to find zero-waste stores near where you live. Zero Waste Near Me is a fantastic map tool that helps you find the nearest zero-waste stores to your postcode.
I love the work that Surfers Against Sewage do, and it’s great to see an initiative so passionate about creating plastic-free communities and helping save our oceans – great work!
Plastic-Free Cosmetics
Whatever plastic-free cosmetic product you’re looking for to add to your sustainable lifestyle, I’m sure we either stock it or it will be coming soon to Stript Cosmetics!